Weoley Hill and the surrounding area
Our church is located in the suburban ‘village’ of Weoley Hill, part of the Bournville Village Trust Estate. Weoley Hill, five miles south west of Birmingham city centre, is a leafy and attractive area of mainly private housing, much of it built in the 1920s and 30s. The strict control over development and retention of trees and parkland by Bournville Village Trust has ensured that this area has remained green and well-maintained. Bournville itself is the ‘model village’ built by the Cadbury family in the early part of the last century as an urban housing experiment. The famous Cadbury’s chocolate factory is approximately 2 miles away.
Weoley Hill village is close to the University of Birmingham and incorporates the former Selly Oak Colleges site; a number of our members are associated with these establishments. Birmingham also has four other universities and several grammar schools. A free secondary school set up by the University of Birmingham is nearby. The local hospital is University Hospitals Birmingham, where members of our fellowship have served as part of the chaplaincy team.
The local community in Weoley Hill enjoys many sporting activities, with a cricket ground, tennis courts, a bowling green and badminton clubs meeting at the Village Hall. Social activities are also arranged from time to time at the Village Hall by the Weoley Hill Village Council, local street associations, our Scout Group and the Cricket Club. Of the two primary schools in the area, we have links with Northfield Manor Primary Academy. Members of our church have been involved with school assemblies and the school holds their annual Christmas carol service in our church. Green Meadow Primary School is associated with St David’s Anglican Church. Other nearby institutions include Bryony House for the elderly and a brain injury rehabilitation unit. The local street association considers the church part of the association.
The population is fairly static, but recent developments have taken place in the area, in particular a relatively new retirement village and dementia care home close by, and younger families are returning to the area. The local population also includes hospital staff and university students and staff, some as short-term residents. There is an area of council flats quite close to the church, much of which is used for shorter-term accommodation. We have not attracted many members of this community into the church in the past, although there are a number of the children from there involved in our uniformed organisations.
Weoley Hill Church is ecumenically linked with other churches in the Selly Oak area: St. Mary’s Parish Church, Selly Oak Methodist Church and the Selly Oak Friends Meeting on an informal basis. These churches usually arrange ecumenical Lent House Groups. Weoley Hill Church usually arranges and hosts the World Day of Prayer service with members from other churches in Selly Oak joining us to take part in the service.
Weoley Hill Church is in the parish of St. David’s, Shenley Green, with whom we share the Maundy Thursday Communion service each year.