Update on Coronavirus precautions - August 2023
The capacity of the church has reverted to normal (no closed pews). There will be singing by the congregation and choir.
Masks and hand sanitizers are still available for use by those who feel they need them.
A collection plate is placed at the entrance to the Sanctuary and taken to the table at the beginning of the service for blessing during the service. A plate will not be passed among the congregation.
Refreshments will be served after the services in the John Kydd (Main) Hall.
In the meantime services from Weoley Hill URC and also from the national URC are still available on our website from the "Online Services" page in text form so please join us if you can. This way we can still feel we are part of God's church even if we cannot meet in person.
If you need to contact the Minister or other office holders please use the contact forms