Online Services each Sunday at Weoley Hill

Weoley Hill U R C Sunday 16th March 2025

Worship led by Annette Sampson

Theme : Learning: a life-long experience !

Welcome by the Steward

An Introduction to worship.

Positive actions


A Hymn of Praise for Spring  R&S 43 I sing the Almighty power of God.

A description of discipleship:

A time of sharing 

Who influenced you to become a Christian?

Who supported or supports you now in your learning and living as a Christian?

A Thanks giving Prayer

Hymn: Would I have answered when you called,

Tune: any DCM e.g St.Matthew R&S 472 or Forest Green R&S 145 seem to go.


Would I have answered when you called,
Come, follow, follow me!""?
Would I at once have left behind
both work and family?
Or would the old, familiar round
have held me By its claim
and kept the spark within my heart
From bursting into flame?


Would I have followed where you led
through ancient Galilee,
On roads unknown, by ways untried,
beyond security?
Or would I soon have hurried back
where home and comfort drew,
Where truth you taught would not disturb
The ordered world I knew?

O Christ, I cannot search my heart
through all its tangled ways,
Nor can I with a certain mind
my steadfastness appraise.
I only pray that when you call,
""Come, follow, follow me!""
You'll give me strength beyond
my own to follow faithfully.

Reading: St. Mark 8, 27 – 33 ( NIV)

Reflection 1&2

Prayer of Confession

Hymn : Where can we find you, Lord Jesus our Master?

Sung to tune: Epiphany Rejoice & Sing 431


  1. Where can we find you, Lord Jesus our Master?

 We want to serve you, to answer your call.

Where do you lead us and ask us to follow?

What should we do in our service for all?


  1. “Go to the hungry, to those who have nothing;

Go where the farmlands are empty and bare.

I broke the bread for the people around me;

Out of my plenty, think what you can share.


  1. “Go to the homeless, to those who have nowhere;

Go where my people sleep out in the rain.

I had no comforts but what others gave me;

Offer them shelter, give ease to their pain.


  1. “Go to the outcast, to those who have no one;

Go where my sheep are rejected and lost.

 I dined with sinners and reached out to lepers;

 Go and do likewise, and don’t count the cost”




  1. Where will we find you, Lord Jesus our Master?

We are your servants who answer your call.

You go before us, and there we will follow,

Taking our cross in the service of all. Andrew

Charles Dickinson (b. 1954)

Prayers of Intercession 

The offertory

A prayer of dedication for the Offertory : The Lord’s Prayer  

A final hymn : R&S 521 Forth in Thy name, Oh Lord, I go

A Final prayer :

The Grace








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