Adult Groups




Introduction to Christian life for adults - as requested.  Contact Us
Ecumenical Lent Groups - organised jointly with the local churches as part of the Selly Oak Christian Network. Please check our Calendar.
Worship and the Arts Group - plans worship, music events and related activities.
Church Action Group - studies social issues and interprets to the congregation, co-ordinates social justice mission activities.
Finance and Building Committee - fabric, stewardship concerns and mission-oriented long-range planning for development.



Banner Group - plans, designs and constructs our new banners - and more!. See some of the banners here.
Community Choir - Fridays 6.30pm - 8pm. If you like to sing you are welcome. No musical experience is necessary. Accompanied children also welcome. Please check our Calendar.
Pilates Group - Thursdays 6.30pm - 7.30pm. Contact Lucy Filce, 07877 473415
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